TRAVEL SEARCH, v2.0: a database of hotels, resorts & inns in the United States; designed for IBM PC or compatible computers with 640K memory, DOS v2.0 or later, one diskette drive, and one hard drive. The speed of the database is most satisfactory on computers with 286 or faster processors. The shareware version of the database contains 400+ listings in 2 states: Connecticut and Massachusetts. The full database contains 13,000+ listings from the 48 contiguous U.S. States. (See the last page, here, for licensing information.) You're in for a treat! TRAVEL SEARCH offers more criteria and greater selection flexibility than any other hotel database available anywhere. With TRAVEL SEARCH you can use all the categories other lodging databases use: city name, hotel name, price or airport location. You can use geographic criteria other databases do not offer: a section of a city, an entire state, a region or an area of the country. You can select listings using all-suite hotels, inns, dude ranches and waterfront locations; proximity to businesses, tourist attractions and "high profile" hotels; amenities such as golf, tennis, skiing, fitness, antiques, historic surroundings, and much more. YOU CAN HAVE ALL OF THIS INFORMATION ON YOUR OWN COMPUTER. A list of the choices that comprise the first division of the TRAVEL SEARCH database appears below. START OF TRAVEL: January-March; April-June; July-September; October-December LOCATION: Within a City; Within a State; Within a Region; Within a Geographic Area; Near an Airport; Near a Business; Near a Major Hotel; Near a Tourist Attraction LODGING TYPE: Hotel or Motel; Suite Hotel; Inn or Country Lodge; Waterfront Location; Dude Ranch; Health Resort or Spa; Tennis Resort; Golf Resort; Ski Resort; Beach Resort; Fishing Resort; Social Activities Resort LODGING NAME: there are 400+ listings with one or more names in the shareware version and 13,000+ listings in the full database AMENITIES: Indoor Swimming; Outdoor Swimming; Indoor Tennis ; Outdoor Tennis; Exercise Equipment; Indoor Track; Racquet Ball; Fitness Teacher; Sauna; Golf; On the Beach; Boating Nearby; Golf Nearby; Tennis Nearby; Skiing Nearby; Fishing Nearby; Antiques Featured; Historic Building; Historic Community RATES: (for 1 or 2 people) Economy, $30 or less, $25-$50, $40-$70, $60-$90, $80-$150, $140-$200, $180 and up Difficult? Not any more. You will not need to remember menu sequences or key in complicated commands to use this detailed database. Because of our new, flexible selection screen, selections can be made using only two keys: TAB & ENTER. Our new method combines detailed precision with maximum flexibility and ease. It is enjoyable to use. When you have made your selection from the database you can view either brief or detailed descriptions of the listings selected. You can also print either the brief or detailed descriptions. TO INSTALL TRAVEL SEARCH SHAREWARE Create a directory named TSDIR. Copy all files into the directory, TSDIR. Set files=40, buffers=30 in your CONFIG.SYS file. If you increased your files and/or buffers, reboot your computer. TO USE TRAVEL SEARCH, ONCE INSTALLED Access the database by typing TSTRAVEL at the directory prompt. The TRAVEL SEARCH title screen will appear. ENTER. The next screen to appear will be the Selection Screen. Seven Selection Categories are given in the following order: Start of Travel: Location: Lodging Type: Lodging Name: Amenities: Rates: Action: One choice will be displayed next to the first Selection Category. For instance: Start of Travel: January-March Only two keys are required to make a selection from a Category: press ENTER to select the choice that is displayed (for example, January-March) or tab to display other choices. When your choice appears, press ENTER to make a selection. The cursor will move down the screen to the next Selection Category. There are two optional key patterns. SHIFT+TAB displays choices in the reverse order. UP-ARROW moves the cursor up the screen so you can change a choice. Occasionally you will be given the option to type letters to start a proper name. The symbol, [ ] indicates a Typing Field. All Selection Categories except Action allow a choice called "Disregard". Choose Disregard to avoid making a choice from a particular category. Disregard is useful when the choices are irrelevant or unimportant to you. Directions always appear on the screen. TO EXIT THE DATABASE At any time, you may press the ESCAPE key to exit. Or, when you have finished making your selections, choose "Quit and Return to DOS" from the Action line of the Selection Screen. TIPS FOR USING THIS NEW, MORE FLEXIBLE, SELECTION SCREEN: PICKING A LOCATION If you are selecting something readily available, such as a mid-priced hotel, start with a small geographic area such as a city name. If you are selecting something unusual, such as a Dude Ranch, start with a large area such as a Region or State. TYPING FIELDS If you are looking for something by name and know how to spell it, type most or all of the name in the Typing Field. It will usually be displayed first when you press ENTER. If you are not certain how to spell what you are looking for, type only the first letter and ENTER. All names starting with that letter will be displayed in alphabetical order. TAB until the name you want is displayed. Then press ENTER. If you leave a typing field blank and ENTER, all names from A-Z will appear alphabetically. DISPLAYING CHOICES IN REVERSE ORDER If you have tabbed past your choice or if it will appear near the end of an alphabetical list, it is more efficient to display the list in reverse order. Use SHIFT+TAB THE STATUS WINDOW The Status Window provides several kinds of useful information. It always gives all necessary directions. If a list of choices is short, it displays the list. If a list is too long to fit in the Status Window, it tells you how many choices there are; they will be displayed as you TAB. The Status Window also tells you how many listings are in the group you have selected. If the number is large, add criteria to make it shorter. If there are too few, you can UP-ARROW and remove some criteria. DISREGARD Leave out categories that are not important in your selection by choosing Disregard. For example, you can Disregard at Location and make your primary selection using Lodging Type or Lodging Name. You can Disregard at Amenities and all listings selected to that point will be available when you consider Rates. RATES Every listing can be selected from at least one rate range. Some listings can be selected from more than one rate range and from the category named Economy. The actual price of lodging often varies more than published rates suggest. Therefore, price information supplied here should be seen as a guide for making selections and properties are to be contacted directly for exact rates. Always ask about special packages and/or week-end, business or membership (e.g., Triple A) discounts when requesting price quotes. ALWAYS A "HIT" TRAVEL SEARCH only displays names of selections that are available in the database after taking into account the criteria you have already selected. For instance, if you choose Wyoming at Location and then look through the list at Lodging Type, you will not find Waterfront listed because there are no waterfront properties listed in Wyoming. If you want a choice and it does not appear, change a category that occurs above it on the screen. For example, use the UP-ARROW key to go up the screen and choose a larger or different Location. EXAMPLES OF SEARCH CAPABILITIES Lodging databases such as those offered by airline reservation companies over on-line services such as Prodigy or Compuserv typically search by city or airport name, hotel name, price and amenities. TRAVEL SEARCH does such standard search patterns with ease, and without the requirements that criteria be used in a specific order or that the correct spelling of the proper names be supplied by the user. In addition, TRAVEL SEARCH has many more selection criteria and is much more flexible than other lodging databases. The examples that appear below illustrate some of the more flexible features of the system. (1) You remember a small family hotel with antiques and a fine ambiance near the downtown area in a city you last visited some time ago -- a good change of pace from the standard hotel. You don't remember the name. You'd like to find it. Lodging is grouped into a number of categories, including Inns. You also might find antiques listed as an Amenity. Select your city at Location and look at Lodging Type to see if Inn or Country Lodge appears. If so, you may recognize the name by tabbing through the list of available names. If not, select Disregard at Lodging Type and look for Antiques at Amenities. If the property is listed as a hotel rather than as an inn, you will be able to identify it using this strategy. (2) The hotel where the convention is being held is booked (or too expensive). You need a place to stay. Not something across town, but near where the meetings are being held. TRAVEL SEARCH identifies more than 1,900 "high profile" hotels. They are hotels that host conventions and are often among the most expensive accommodations in an area. Lodgings that are very close to these Major Hotels have been identified and can be selected as the closest alternatives to the Major Hotel. Select Near a Major Hotel at Location. Look for the name of the convention hotel. If it is there, from 1 to 10 nearby listings will be given. In some cases, TRAVEL SEARCH will give distinguishing details such as "In the same block as the Major Hotel." (3) You prefer economy priced chains when you travel. The problem is locating economy priced lodging before you drive past them on your way to the advertised, up-scale hotel where you've made a reservation. TRAVEL SEARCH gives rates by price, as most databases do. It also assigns some listings to a price category named Economy. Economy is relative to other prices in the area. For example, an $80 room might be Economy in New York City but not in other places. There are 26 chains and many independent listings in TRAVEL SEARCH with the Economy designation. To find the most economical listings, select Within a City or some other appropriate geographic area at Location and then select either the lowest rate that is displayed for that location or Economy. (4) You have not seen much of the area of the country you will be driving through. You'd like some assistance choosing tourist attractions that are on your route. TRAVEL SEARCH lists more than 1,300 tourist attractions in the U.S. They were chosen from information provided by state tourism offices in response to inquiries for lists of the most popular attractions in each state. Choose Near a Tourist Attraction at Location and select a State. At the Typing Field that prompts you to spell part of a tourist attraction name, ENTER to leave the field blank. All of the tourist attractions listed in that state will be presented in alphabetical order. You can TAB through them, select ones that interest you by the name of the attraction or the name of the towns in which they are located. Lodging near your selection will be identified. (5) You would like to stay in a Resort where there are a variety of activities. Maybe golf, tennis, and racquetball. There are two ways to find activities using TRAVEL SEARCH. They can be listed either as Amenities or as Resorts. Resorts typically have a pro-shop and a professional staff providing instruction. A Resort always has a higher level of service associated with the activity than an Amenity. One Resort category can by selected at Lodging Type. As many as three amenities can be selected. Pick a geographic area that is suitable. See if there is an appropriate Resort at Lodging Type. If so, select the resort category and select other activities of interest at Amenities. If not, select Disregard at Lodging Type and look for Amenities such as Golf and Tennis. If racquetball is available, it will also be listed as an amenity. If you are looking for a very unusual combination and are not restricted as to location, you can Disregard Location and find all listings in the country with particular characteristics. (6) You're calling on a client with corporate offices in an industrial park outside the city. You'll be on a tight driving schedule and want lodging as close as possible to the client's office. There are approximately 5,000 businesses listed by name and addresss in TRAVEL SEARCH. Each business listing is connected to from 1 to 10 lodgings that are closer to the business than any others in the database. Also, in TRAVEL SEARCH, listings that are in suburban towns can be selected using either the name of the town or the name of the large city with which it is associated. Select Near a Business at Location to look for your business by name. If it is listed, you can either disregard all the other criteria and see all the listings selected, or limit your selection further by adding price or amenities. If the business is not listed, select Within a City at Location and use the name of the large city. You may be able to recognize the name of the small town in which the industrial park is located if listings for that town are among the group. AVAILABLE PRODUCTS The shareware version of TRAVEL SEARCH contains all of the current listings for Connecticut and Massachusetts. It can be freely copied and distributed. The shareware version is updated from time to time along with the full database. Updates may lag slightly behind the update of the full version. The full TRAVEL SEARCH database contains more than 13,000 listings in the 48 contiguous U.S. States. As of Nov., 1992 the database contains 113 hotel chains and 3,650 independent properties. Twenty-six chains describe themselves as Economy; more than 10,000 listings have toll free phone numbers for making reservations. There are also 3,500+ cities, 1,300+ tourist attractions and 230+ airports indexed. The full database is licensed for use. It requires approximately 20M available disk space. When you acquire a license, you have all the TRAVEL SEARCH information in your own computer. You will not experience the inconvienence of dialing out on a modem and getting a busy signal. You also will not generate connect time costs or use time that has been allocated to you by your on-line service. See order information below. The TRAVEL SEARCH selection screen interface is appropriate for a wide variety of database applications. The interface is especially useful when (1) a database has a large number of indexes, (2) flexibility in search patterns is an advantage in selection, and (3) a group of records, rather than only one record, are sometimes selected. Permission to use the patented interface for other databases and information about customized design or customized programming for other databases can be obtained from the company that developed TRAVEL SEARCH. Contact Nyack Database Technologies, P.O. Box 949, Nyack, NY 10960. Voice phone: (914)358-0480. INFORMATION SOURCES TRAVEL SEARCH information comes from Federal, state and local information sources, descriptions published by properties and telephone communications with properties. Some information is originated by TRAVEL SEARCH for use in this database. Every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information. However, information should always be verified before making decisions of where to stay. TRAVEL SEARCH assumes no responsibility for omissions or errors and does not specifically recommend listings in the database. The TRAVEL SEARCH database is under continuous revision. Suggestions are welcome. Please bring any errors to our attention. OBTAINING THE FULL DATABASE A license to use the full database on a stand-alone IBM PC compatible computer is available at this time for $59. (a saving of $40.50 over the advertised retail price of $99.50.) The price includes toll free voice support and carries a 30 day money back guarantee. Database updates are available twice yearly for $29.50. Updates are not required after the initial fee in order to call the support line. The database is sent on diskettes via first class U.S. mail. Send a check for $59 and the following seven items of information to TRAVEL SEARCH, P.O. Box 949, Nyack, NY 10960. (New York residents: add state and local sales tax.) 1. Name: 2. Street Address or P.O. Box 3. City, State, Zip 4. Specify the source of the shareware, if you know it. That is, from what BBS or advertisement did your shareware copy originate? 5. Are you interested in having Government per diem rates on a lodging database? 6. Would you use databases of either video rentals or music available on CDs, tapes & LPs if they were indexed on multiple selection criteria and presented in the same style as this lodging database? 7. Can you use 3 1/2", 1.44M diskettes? (If not, what size?) TRAVEL SEARCH P.O. Box 949 Nyack, NY 10960. Voice Phone: (914) 358-0480